Rascal Caged and On Display


Imagine my surprise. Yes, it's a raccoon all right. I'm from Canada, so no stranger to me are these guys, but thankfully not a critter I encountered at the garbage collection site on my block the last time - or any time I've been home for that matter. The neighbour down the road caught this rascal ... shall we call Mr. or Mrs. raccoon Rascal? Sure, we'll do that.
Rascal had been nibbling on the neighbour's flowers and so not knowing what it was that was eating his prize flowers (his bread and butter) from which he makes his living, he set a trap and that night he hit pay dirt. The next day Rascal was there (caged) for all to see. Urban legend had it that raccoons were residents in them darn Hokkaido woods, but until you actually see one, you remain justifiably skeptical.
I could say more, but I'll leave it at that.

Imagine my surprise. Yes, it's a raccoon all right. I'm from Canada, so no stranger to me, but thankfully not a critter I encounter at the garbage collection site on my block.